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Disconnect from Technology

someone using their smartphone outside at dusk

Technology is everywhere, especially in our pockets. Since technology makes our lives so convenient, it can be easy to ignore how much time we spend on our devices. Instead of making excuses about why we need our devices, we recommend taking some time to disconnect. In this week’s Richmond Square Blog, we’ve got a few small ways to disconnect during your everyday life.

Scheduled Time

Often times we find it difficult to disconnect because we use it during our spare time. To combat the allure of using your devices during your downtime, we suggest scheduling time in your day where you put your phone down and do something else. If you have a pastime that you enjoy doing, you can set aside time in your schedule to do that instead of surfing the web or browsing social media.

No Phones by the Bedside

Do you ever get in bed to sleep but end up spending hours on your phone? Many people charge their phones by their bedside and end up getting distracted, reducing the amount of sleep that they get. To combat this, we suggest finding a different place to charge your phone, away from your bed. If at all possible, put it in a separate room, but if you use it for your alarm, put it far enough away from your bed that you have to get up to access it.

No Phones at Meal Time

Meals were once a time where the family or friends could gather together and share how their day went, and catch up. Since the advent of the smartphone, interactions during meals has reduced, and being on your phones too often can have an adverse effect on your relationships. Put your phones away during your meals so you can interact with your friends and family. To aid you in this, we suggest making a game out of it. Invite everyone you’re dining with to put their phones in the center of the table in a stack. The first person who grabs their phone pays the bill or suffers a consequence.

It’s time to get out of your Arlington, VA apartment and enjoy life disconnected from your devices! Thanks for reading!

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