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Give Thanks This November

person holding a thank you card in front of a wooden background

Finding a way to give thanks is a good activity this November. Taking the time to do something heartfelt for the people who have touched your life is a good exercise in gratitude. In this week’s Richmond Square Blog, we’ve got a few tips to help you express gratitude this November.

Choose an appropriate card.

Know the person you’re writing to and what they consider to be funny, heartwarming, or relevant in a card and in a message. Cards come in all shapes, sizes, and designs and with varying levels of formality and even crudeness, so think of the message and what your recipient likes so they will truly appreciate your choice and your message. If you want to make it more personal, you can make a personalized card for them, accounting for what you know of their likes and dislikes.

Make it specific.

Show the recipient of your letter, card or thank you note that your effort in reaching out is genuine by stating exactly what it is you’re grateful for. That could be something general if you’re simply reflecting on the people who have been good influences on you this November. Use specific experiences and remember to address the recipient by name when you mention them.

Be timely.

Take the time now to plan who you’ll be sending your cards to and how long you’ll need to prepare and send it before the month is through. Of course, you don’t need the month of November to express appreciation to your loved ones. Whether it’s “relevant” or not, doing so while the spirit of thanks is highest might make it feel more natural to you both! A timely thank you card won’t confuse the recipient and can express the feelings of gratitude that you have for them.

Do you have any ways you enjoy expressing your gratitude? Let our Arlington, VA apartment community know by leaving us a comment! Thanks for reading!


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