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Valentines Day for Singles

Person holding a variety of balloons in the collective shape of a heart

Who says Valentine’s Day is exclusively for couples? As wonderful of a day as it as when you’re in a couple, it can be a sad day for those without a significant other. In order to take back the day and empower single people, we’ve decided to dedicate this week’s Richmond Square Blog to single people and how they can better enjoy a Valentine’s Day.

Movie Night

Spend a night in with other single friends on Valentine’s Day! Whether you want to wallow in your singleness or if you’re celebrating your independence, there are plenty of movies to choose from! Some of our favorites are 500 Days of Summer, Begin Again, and Crazy, Stupid, Love. Invite your other single friends over to your Arlington, VA apartment and have a great time!

Spa Day

Valentine’s Day usually involves treating someone else really well, but if you don’t have someone to do that to, why not treat yourself? There’s nothing wrong with a little solo rest and relaxation at the spa! Get a massage, facial, manicure, and/or pedicure and treat your body the way it should be treated!

Friend Dates

If you’re single with nothing to do on Valentine’s Day, there’s a chance that you’ll know a friend who is going through the same experience. Instead of participating in a romantic date, you have the option of going on a platonic date with a friend in the same boat as you. Use this as an opportunity to catch up with them or get to know them better. It really doesn’t even matter if the person is of the sex that you’re attracted to! The goal of a friend date is to have fun and build a stronger relationship!


Share with our Arlington, VA apartment community ways you enjoy your Valentine’s Day if you’re a single person! Thanks for reading!


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